Messaging & Review Platform Add-Ons

Customize your my5starz experience with our array of incredible messaging and review platform add-ons!


$ 100

/ month

Put your business on the map and be found.

Create, update & manage business listings for all of your locations.

Improve SEO and Google search rankings.

Build accurate & attractive Google Business Profiles for your locations.


$ 150

/ month

Easily send and track referral requests. 

Send automated and measurable referral campaigns at scale in just a few clicks.

Send requests via text or email.

Set up rules and triggers to automatically send requests after payment or review.


$ 150

/ month

Capture real-time customer feedback.

Collect feedback, analyze data, and grow revenue with simple, scalable surveys.

Send surveys via text to boost open rates.

Use AI to organize & analyze your response data. Learn what your customers really think!


$ 75

/ month

Turn feedback into actionable insights.

Outperform the competition with insights built to improve your business.

Choose specific topics to track.

Track, analyze, and optimize your performance with custom-built reports.


$ 75

/ month

Fix issues before they become problems.

Use automatic ticketing across reviews, social, mentions, and survey responses.

Create ticketing rules & custom criteria.

Track response rate & resolution time. Monitor by user, location, and status.


$ 75

/ month

View competitive insights on competition.

Do what your competitors can’t by using their feedback to your advantage.

Rank your reviews against local competitors.

Uncover themes & keywords across your competitors’ reviews and use it to outshine.


$ 150

/ month

Message with your website viewers.

Live chat, auto-respond to questions, and capture contact information to follow up.

Organize all conversations into a single inbox.

Craft response templates for common questions & send requests.


$ 100

/ month

Schedule posts across social media networks.

Bulk publishing, brand monitoring, and reporting — all from a single dashboard.

Explore a templates of images and layouts.

Schedule multiple posts across accounts & networks simultaneously.

Discover the my5starz messaging and review platform.